This seminar is intended for those with a basic understanding of AI or newcomers looking to quickly grasp the essentials and explore the practical applications of AI in a condensed, engaging format. The goal is to inspire participants to start thinking about how AI can be applied in their respective fields, equipped with the knowledge to navigate both the opportunities and ethical considerations AI presents.
The outlined 4-hour seminar aims to demystify artificial intelligence (AI) and encourage its practical application and ethical use in the workplace.
The seminar is structured into three main sessions, each focusing on different aspects of AI, from foundational concepts to real-world impacts, culminating in discussions on potential implementation and ethical considerations.
This seminar is designed for professionals across various sectors who are interested in understanding and leveraging AI in their work but may lack technical expertise in the field.
HR Professionals: Those interested in exploring AI applications for talent acquisition and management, such as resume screening and job description preparation.
Marketing Professionals: Individuals looking to leverage AI for personalized content creation, and customer segmentation.
We can tailor courses to meet the needs of your business or group and offer them at the SCSU Welcome Center or a location of your choice.
Contact:; 320-308-4252.