Communication Skills

A large portion of our day to day work is accomplished through communication and negotiation with those around us. The main objective of the Communication Skills training session will be to provide participants with the practical strategies to improve the effectiveness of their communication. This will be accomplished through assessing and gaining an understanding of each participant’s communication style, along with developing an awareness of the impact of that communication style on others. Breakout activities and tools are incorporated within the session so that participants gain a deeper understanding of how to adapt their style to best communicate with other people within their organization and beyond.

The focus of the Communication Skills training session includes:

  • Awareness of the impact of the different ways in which we communicate
  • Understanding the different communication styles
  • Learning about one’s own communication style and how to adapt to others
  • Optimizing communication via style adaptation and active listening

Meet the Instructor:

Mary C. Bodvarsson Mary Bodvarsson


  • Opened my eyes on how to improve my communications with my team.
  • This was a fun class.
  • Simple tools were very applicable.
  • Mary put together an impactful and actionable training session with many key takeaways that I need to put into place in my leadership journey. Mary has a unique way of teaching in a way that adults can easily learn. She quickly got us to participate and to internalize what she was conveying. I left with a list embedded in my mind of my top three values. I left with the phrase "clear is kind, unclear is unkind" ringing in my ears. While the training was only a little over three hours, it had a transformative effect on me and on others.  Thank you, Mary!  Curt Tillotson, Chief Operating Officer, Nahan Printing, Inc.

We customize

We can tailor courses to meet the needs of your business or group and offer them at the SCSU Welcome Center or a location of your choice.

Contact:; 320-308-4252.